Tokyo To Singapore

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Tokyo, Japan - Nagoya - Kobe, Japan - Incheon (Seoul) - Incheon (Seoul) - Jeju, South Korea - Keelung, Taiwan - Romblon Island - Manila - Coron, Philippines - Puerto Princesa, Pulawan, Philippines - Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia - Singapore

Day 1
6th Apr 2025
Tokyo, Japan

Dense and delightful, there’s nowhere else like Japan...

Dense and delightful, there’s nowhere else like Japan’s kinetic capital – a city where ancient traditions blend seamlessly with a relentless pursuit for the future’s sharpest edge. See the city from above, as elevators rocket you up to towering viewing platforms, from which you can survey a vast urban ocean, interspersed with sky-scraping needles. Look out as far as the distant loom of Mount Fuji’s cone on clear days. View less

Futuristic – second-accurate – transport seamlessly links Tokyo’s 14 districts, while the glow of flashing advertisement boards, clanks of arcade machines, and waves of humanity flowing along its streets, adds to the sense of mesmerising, dizzying and glorious sensory overload. One of Tokyo’s most iconic sights, don’t miss the flood of people scrambling to cross Shibuya’s famous intersection. Join the choreographed dance, as crowds of briefcase-carrying commuters are given the green light to cross at the same time – bathed in the light of massive neon advertisements. The culture is immensely rich and deep, with 7th-century, lantern-decorated temples, stunning palaces and tranquil scarlet shrines waiting below cloaks of incense and nestling between soaring skyscrapers. Restaurants serve up precisely prepared sushi, and wafer-thin seafood slivers, offering a unique taste of the country’s refined cuisine. Settle into traditional teahouses, to witness intricate ceremonies, or join the locals as they fill out karaoke bars to sing the night away. In the spring, cherry blossom paints a delicate pink sheen over the city’s innumerable parks and gardens.

Day 2
7th Apr 2025

Home to Toyota, Lexus and Mitsubishi among many othe...

Home to Toyota, Lexus and Mitsubishi among many other, Nagoya is one of Japan’s industrial powerhouses. A veritable economic tour de force, the city is the fourth largest in the country, and boasts multiple excellent museums, significant temples and, unsurprisingly, excellent shopping. Located on the Pacific coast, the city is often overlooked as a travel destination. View less

Sandwiched between the neon lights of Tokyo 350 km to the east and the history laden walls of Kyoto just 120 km to the west, Nagoya has been dubbed – by the country’s Prime Minister no less – as “the most boring city in Japan.” However, that view might be subjective. Beginning with Nagoya’s cuisine, the city offers much in the way of tasty treats. Many traditional dishes that originate here, such as the popular rice dish Hitsumabushi and the chicken based Tebasaki. The city’s many shrines and castles are not only among the oldest in Japan but are also some of the country’s National Treasures. The aforementioned museums offer fine examples of the city’s history dating all the way back to the 17th century Tokugawa period (the city’s castle is from the same period) while the brand new aquarium is touted as being one of the best in Japan. The Port Tower offers spectacular views of the city both day and night. The 2,000-year-old Atsuta Shrine, the second-most revered shrine in Japan, hosts over 4,400 artefacts. The sprawling city is also home to beautifully laid out gardens and parks, which offer a welcome respite from Nagoya’s urban buzz.

Day 3
8th Apr 2025
Kobe, Japan

The Japanese city of Kobe needs no introduction. T...

The Japanese city of Kobe needs no introduction. The name is synonymous with its home grown superstar. We are not talking of its stunning shrines, cherry trees laden with blossom during sakura or effervescent city, buzzing with life 24/7. We are of course talking of a much more grass roots hero – its eponymous beef. The delicacy might have put the city on the map, but there is far more to Kobe than its meat. Naturally, Kobe wears its cuisine as a badge of honour. View less

Its port history has given it a gastronomy that is quite different from its neighbours. Seafood and sushi is naturally some of the freshest and most diverse you can find, but Kobe’s multi-cultural nature (the city is home to 98 different nationalities) means that it has one of the most diverse gastronomic cultures in Japan. Bread and bakeries are also an (unexpected) delicacy. Additionally, Sake is taken very seriously – Kobe even has its own museum dedicated to the national spirit. Historically, Kobe has always been a key city for Japan. Renamed in 1889, it was known as Owada no Tomari during the Nara Period (710-784 C.E.). Kobe’s location on the calm Inland Sea between Osaka and Kyoto has proven to be pivotal in Japanese history; it is mentioned in famous literary works such as The Tale of Genji (from approximately late 9th century) and the Taiheiki (14th century). The city and region are home to many attractions including the Himeji Castle (widely considered to be Japan’s most beautiful feudal castle), a short ride away.

Day 6
11th Apr 2025
Incheon (Seoul)

The bright lights of neighbouring big city Seoul might burn brig...

The bright lights of neighbouring big city Seoul might burn brightly but Incheon, just 27 kilometres away, has nothing to be ashamed of. The coastal city was the first to open its borders to the world in 1883, and as such has always enjoyed a special relationship with the west. So much so that it was granted “English Status” in 2007, with many residents priding themselves on their command of the language. View less

The city’s love of English has made it a business powerhouse so expect soaring skyscrapers and smart technology as part of the landscape. Incheon was also the first to welcome the Chinese and today the city’s Chinatown is one of the most vibrant and welcoming there is. A frenetic and exciting hybrid of Chinese and Korean heritage, it is said that Jjajangmyeon (black soy bean noodles), South Korea’s de facto national dish originates from here. Try a steaming bowl from one of the many vendors, then walk it off with the short 15-minute stroll from Chinatown to the traditional Sinpo Market for different kind of sensational feast. The city is steeped in history, notably in recent times during the Korean War. In 1950, the US general General MacArthur led UN forces behind enemy lines in freeing the city from North Korean pressure. MacArthur’s victory is commemorated by a statue in the Jaya (Freedom) Park. The city’s history of course goes back much further, with the first historical record dating as far back as 475 CE. At the time the city was called Michuhol, only changing its name to Incheon in 1413.

Day 7
12th Apr 2025
Incheon (Seoul)

The bright lights of neighbouring big city Seoul mig...

The bright lights of neighbouring big city Seoul might burn brightly but Incheon, just 27 kilometres away, has nothing to be ashamed of. The coastal city was the first to open its borders to the world in 1883, and as such has always enjoyed a special relationship with the west. So much so that it was granted “English Status” in 2007, with many residents priding themselves on their command of the language. View less

The city’s love of English has made it a business powerhouse so expect soaring skyscrapers and smart technology as part of the landscape. Incheon was also the first to welcome the Chinese and today the city’s Chinatown is one of the most vibrant and welcoming there is. A frenetic and exciting hybrid of Chinese and Korean heritage, it is said that Jjajangmyeon (black soy bean noodles), South Korea’s de facto national dish originates from here. Try a steaming bowl from one of the many vendors, then walk it off with the short 15-minute stroll from Chinatown to the traditional Sinpo Market for different kind of sensational feast. The city is steeped in history, notably in recent times during the Korean War. In 1950, the US general General MacArthur led UN forces behind enemy lines in freeing the city from North Korean pressure. MacArthur’s victory is commemorated by a statue in the Jaya (Freedom) Park. The city’s history of course goes back much further, with the first historical record dating as far back as 475 CE. At the time the city was called Michuhol, only changing its name to Incheon in 1413.

Day 8
13th Apr 2025
Jeju, South Korea

Jeju province encompasses the South Korean island of Jeju in the...

Jeju province encompasses the South Korean island of Jeju in the Korea Strait. It’s known for its beach resorts and volcanic landscape of craters and cavelike lava tubes. Hallasan Mountain, a dormant volcano, features hiking trails, a crater lake at the 1,950m summit and nearby Gwaneumsa Temple. The Geomunoreum Lava Tube System includes 7km-long Manjanggul Cave, created centuries ago when Hallasan was still active

Day 10
15th Apr 2025
Keelung, Taiwan

Located on the north coast of Taiwan, and embraced by ...

Located on the north coast of Taiwan, and embraced by lush green mountains, Keelung City is Taiwan’s second-biggest port and a major gateway to Taipei’s glittering lights and spectacular skyscrapers. It can get a little damp here at times – the city is known as the ‘Rainy Port’ after all – but even the elements fail to dampen the spirits in this Taiwanese hotbed of tradition, modernity and rich culture. View less

Keelung is famous for its Mid-Summer Ghost festival – when dragons decorated with flowers and spitting pyrotechnics are paraded through the streets. Flickering lanterns glitter on the water’s waves, creating a beautiful, ethereal scene. If you do linger in Keelung, witness the city coming to life as the sun dips – and Keelung Miaokou night market floods with people below a blinding wash of lights. Most will choose to take the ride to the country’s capital, Taipei, and visit this mesmerising modern city, which blends influences from around the world. A quirky city of museums and countless bustling markets. Stands and stalls work late into the night, serving up every food you can imagine. Wander between the salivating smells and rising flames of open fires, which cook up everything from fried oysters to chicken and fish pastries – as you ride the all-out sensory assault of the city’s bustling markets. Incredible temples are sprinkled across Taipei, such as Bao-An Temple, a peaceful, incense-infused place of colourful artistry. The country’s heritage is reflected in towering new architecture like the tiered pagoda of the Taipei 101 skyscraper, which dominates the skyline from every angle.

Day 13
18th Apr 2025
Romblon Island

Mesmerising, paradisical sands and sparkling waters...

Mesmerising, paradisical sands and sparkling waters create a truly stirring vision of Philippine beauty – dazzling visitors who head for Romblon Island’s charmed shores. With transient, natural bridges linking together pristine islands, and fine, jungle-clad beaches offering unspoiled tropical relaxation, Romblon Island is part of a staggeringly picturesque archipelago. Occupied by the Japanese in World War II, you can also dig into military history and local heritage while absorbing these precious vistas of visceral beauty. View less

There is high competition around here, but Bon Bon Beach is one of the island’s most celebrated stretches of sand – and a post-card perfect vision of pearly-white bliss. Crystal-clear water and soft, glowing sands await. A sandbar connects the beach with the small Bang-og Island, and as the tides recede, it’s possible to stroll out across to the lush, vegetation-cloaked island. Close by, other peaceful beaches like Tiamban Beach roll out lazily, providing sublime sanctuary for swimming, and lounging before layers of thick palms. The tempting water is transparent, and you can spot colourful fish dashing back and forth, just below the surface. The Fort San Andre is a link back through time to Romblon Island’s Spanish colonial heritage. Built by the Spaniards in the 17th century, climb its set of steep stairs to enjoy views over this heavenly island realm. Wait until later if you want to catch a violent sunset bursting across the skies from its chunky stone walls.

Day 14
19th Apr 2025

The city sprawls eastward from Manila Bay. Its st...

The city sprawls eastward from Manila Bay. Its streets range from multi-lane boulevards to maze-like alleys. In this metropolis of 12 million, the contrast between spacious well-maintained elite communities like Forbes Park and overcrowded slum areas such as Tondo is immense. Occupied over the decades by the Spanish, Americans, British and Japanese, East now meets West, giving the city its unique character. The Walled City, a medieval fortified town, was the heart and soul of the country for more than 300 years. This city fortress, surrounded by moats and turreted walls 30 feet thick, was known as Intramuros. Only members of the Castilian upper class, friars, soldiers and government administrators were privileged to live inside the walls; natives had to live in the outlying boroughs.

Day 15
20th Apr 2025
Coron, Philippines

“Dramatic rock protrusions rear from turquoise sea &#...

“Dramatic rock protrusions rear from turquoise sea – while endless sweeps of golden sand, and underwater worlds of colourful life – make Coron a place that you can’t help but dive into. A snorkeler and scuba diver’s paradise, ghostly shipwrecks lie below the glorious waters here, swirling with life and stories. With complex coral reefs, towering cliffs, and turquoise waters blotched with emerald greens, Coron is a vibrant and revitalising escape of spectacular islands and pristine beaches.

With limestone cliffs jutting into the air, Kayangan Lake is already beautiful enough from the surface – but it’s a whole other world in the depths of the freshwater lake. Dive in to see the underlying world in all of its colourful glory, or sail across the surface and observe the beauty through the glass-like water. Elsewhere, Lake Barracuda is a unique diving experience, where you can swim among a swirl of intertwining fresh and saltwater and feel the sudden shifts in temperature as you move. Experienced divers should head out to the dozens of ghostly Japanese wrecks that have lain still on these sea-beds ever since they were sunken by a US air assault, as the Pacific War raged. All of that swimming, diving and beachside relaxation is hard work – so visit Maquinit Hot Springs to dissolve any stresses in the thermally heated waters, which will poach any sore muscles back to health. A Buko Shake’s blend of coconut, milk and ice is always refreshing – especially when sipped on your choice of Coron’s isolated beach paradises.”

Day 16
21st Apr 2025
Puerto Princesa, Pulawan, Philippines

Home to a New Wonder of the World – the amazing undergroun...

Home to a New Wonder of the World – the amazing underground river that flows close by – Palawan’s capital promises a relentless assault of natural glory. Founded by the Spanish in 1872, Puerto Princesa is one of the Philippines’s largest centres – but the Green City is also one of the country’s most spacious and lush. Whether it’s the innovative environmental credentials, or the dense vegetation clinging to scenic limestone cliffs nearby, Puerto Princesa welcomes you to a rich, green, and astonishingly beautiful corner of the world. View less

The underground river of glowing emerald water slices into the limestone rock and runs through inky darkness for five miles, amid dark stalactites and elaborate natural rock sculptures. A subterranean wonder, sail into the cave in a canoe to witness this UNESCO World Heritage Site firsthand and explore a gaping interior, where bats flutter overhead. The scenery is just as impressive above the earth, with tropical beaches and rainforest-cloaked waterfalls nearby. Travel between attractive bays and islands, alive with diverse flora, as well as monkeys and monitor lizards wandering freely. Island hop the stunning sandy isles that pepper the turquoise water of Honda Bay, to investigate characterful idylls that beg to be snorkelled, surrounded by seawater stocked with starfish. Puerto Princesa itself is dotted with cultural and historical sites – including the harrowing World War II history of Plaza Cuartel. Where a massacre of American soldiers took place. Elsewhere, you can visit the thought-provoking Iwahig Prison and Penal Colony – which aims to reform prisoners through farming and agricultural practices. Head for the Baywalk to try some local foods, and to soak up the palm-lined waterfront atmosphere.

Day 18
23rd Apr 2025
Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia

Kota Kinabalu, the state capital of Sabah, is a rel...

Kota Kinabalu, the state capital of Sabah, is a relatively new town; the original one was destroyed during World War II. Strung out along the coast with jungle-clad hills as a backdrop, Kota Kinabalu, or KK for short, is home to a population of about 300,000. It was known as Jesselton before the war.
The state of Sabah occupies the northern part of Borneo and is about the size of Ireland. After World War II, the British declared Sabah a Crown Colony. In 1963, Sabah gained her independence and joined the Federation of Malaysia. The old seafarer’s name for Sabah was “Land Below the Wind,” referring to the state’s location just below the typhoon belt.
Kota Kinabalu’s deep-water harbor gave the town strategic significance, evoking a Japanese invasion in 1942 and heavy bombing by the Allies. Following the war, the capital was moved from Sandakan to Jesselton and renamed Kota Kinabalu after the mountain.
The pride of Sabah is Mount Kinabalu. With 13,431 feet, this is the highest mountain in Malaysia and a spectacular sight. For centuries, the Dusuns, Sabah’s largest ethnic group, regarded the mountain as the final resting place of their departed. High priests still perform annual rites to appease the spirits.

Day 21
26th Apr 2025

Advanced, airy and elevated, Singapore is a spectacular, ...

Advanced, airy and elevated, Singapore is a spectacular, futuristic vision of utopian city life. A healthy population of almost six million call it home, but this is a city designed with space to breathe, and gorgeous outdoor parks, massive indoor greenhouses and beautiful recreational spaces spread between the City of Gardens’ skyscrapers and soaring structures. Once a quiet fishing village, now a glistening island city-state and an international beacon of science, education and technology. View less

Singapore is almost intimidatingly clean – and the hyper-efficient public transport system whips residents and visitors across the city’s neighbourhoods in a heartbeat. Glorious fountains and audacious skyscrapers loom up – nodding to traditional feng shui beliefs – and putting on dazzling illuminated displays after dark. The lush green botanical gardens are a spectacular UNESCO World Heritage Site, covering 52 hectares and decorated with impressive colourful orchids. Or breathe in more of the freshest air by heading up to wander the canopy strung bridges of MacRitchie Reservoir Park. Head for the iconic Marina Bay – a landmark of the city crowned by three interconnected towers, which watch out over island sprinkled waters. Jaunt between Little India and the atmospheric Chinatown in minutes, where beautiful temples – like the Chinese Thian Hock Keng Temple and Hindu Sri Mariamman Temple add rich cultural intrigue. Singapore’s cuisine is a mouthwatering fusion of its Indian, Chinese, Indonesian, and Malay influences, taking and enhancing the best of each. Enjoy dishes in towering restaurants, or toast the glowing skyline with the city’s eponymous gin-soaked cocktail – a Singapore Sling.


YOUR SHIP - The Silver Whisper

Our world-cruisers preferred ship, Silver Whisper sports a relaxing, sophisticated and genuinely elegant atmosphere. A multi-million dollar refit makes her one of the most technically up to the minute ships at sea.

The amenities of a grand resort. The charms of a stylish boutique hotel. Silversea’s Millennium Class ships Silver Whisper and sister ship Silver Shadow invite you to enjoy Silversea’s world-class accommodations, shipboard conviviality and warm, individualized service, paired with the enhanced spaces and amenities of a larger ship. Revel in the pampering treatments of an expanded wellness spa, shop the hottest trends from top designers at our shipboard boutiques, and enjoy dynamic full-scale productions in a multi-tiered show lounge. Silver Whisper luxury cruise ship has it all. Design your own schedule … or no schedule at all … Silver Whisper.

Our world-cruisers preferred ship, Silver Whisper sports a relaxing, sophisticated and genuinely elegant atmosphere. A multi-million dollar refit makes her one of the most technically up to the minute ships at sea.

The amenities of a grand resort. The charms of a stylish boutique hotel. Silversea’s Millennium Class ships Silver Whisper and sister ship Silver Shadow invite you to enjoy Silversea’s world-class accommodations, shipboard conviviality and warm, individualized service, paired with the enhanced spaces and amenities of a larger ship. Revel in the pampering treatments of an expanded wellness spa, shop the hottest trends from top designers at our shipboard boutiques, and enjoy dynamic full-scale productions in a multi-tiered show lounge. Silver Whisper luxury cruise ship has it all. Design your own schedule … or no schedule at all … Silver Whisper.

Guest Relations Office
Shore Concierge

Beauty Salon
Swimming Pool

Card Room
Conference Room

Internet Cafe

Connoisseur’s Corner
La Dame
La Terrazza
Pool Grill
Poolside Bar

Fitness Center
Jogging Track

Observation Lounge
Panorama Lounge
Show Lounges


Our world-cruisers preferred ship, Silver Whisper sports a relaxing, sophisticated and genuinely elegant atmosphere. A multi-million dollar refit makes her one of the most technically up to the minute ships at sea.

The amenities of a grand resort. The charms of a stylish boutique hotel. Silversea’s Millennium Class ships Silver Whisper and sister ship Silver Shadow invite you to enjoy Silversea’s world-class accommodations, shipboard conviviality and warm, individualized service, paired with the enhanced spaces and amenities of a larger ship. Revel in the pampering treatments of an expanded wellness spa, shop the hottest trends from top designers at our shipboard boutiques, and enjoy dynamic full-scale productions in a multi-tiered show lounge. Silver Whisper luxury cruise ship has it all. Design your own schedule … or no schedule at all … Silver Whisper.


Guest Relations Office
Shore Concierge


Beauty Salon
Swimming Pool


Card Room
Conference Room


Internet Cafe

Food and Drink

Connoisseur’s Corner
La Dame
La Terrazza
Pool Grill
Poolside Bar


Fitness Center
Jogging Track


Observation Lounge
Panorama Lounge
Show Lounges



    The name says it all. A stylish apartment. Prestigious and classic, as is the Silver Whisper itself. For those who seek the superlative level of space, comfort and service on board. Available as a one-bedroom configuration or as two-bedrooms (as illustrated) by adjoining with a Vista Suite. Large veranda with patio furniture and floor-to-ceiling glass doors; bedroom two has additional large picture window. Living room with sitting area; bedroom two has additional sitting area. Separate dining area and bar. Twin beds or queen-sized bed; bedroom two has additional twin beds or queen-sized bed. Marble bathroom with double vanity, separate shower and full-sized whirlpool bath, plus a powder room; bedroom two has additional marble bathroom with full-sized bath. Walk-in wardrobe(s) with personal safe. Vanity table(s) with hair dryer. Writing desk(s). Flat-screen television(s) with Interactive Media Library. Bose sound system with bluetooth connectivity. Illy espresso machine. Unlimited Premium Wifi.

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